Johneva “Jackie” Rasberry

Jackie graduated from Medford Senior High School in Medford, OR and became the first member of her family to attend college. She graduated in 1956 from the University of Oregon, where she was a member of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Jackie was a successful public high school teacher and administrator in Long Beach, Oakland, and Albany, CA. In Albany, she became one of the first female deans of students and met her future husband, Howard. Jackie and Howard were married in 1968 and moved to Houston, TX in 1972, where Jackie raised her children and served as a leader in the local PTA. Jackie attended the University of Houston-Clear Lake and graduated in 1983 with a Master of Science in Educational Management, after which she became the supervisor of student teachers in the university’s school of education. She retired in 2001 and spent the rest of her life involved in professional organizations, volunteering, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. As the matriarch of our family, we will miss her love and strength. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. followed by a memorial at 2:30 p.m. at Crowder Funeral Home, Webster, TX.
Jackie Rasberry was a true caring professional in every sense of the word. She dedicated her career to teacher education and was an integral part of the School of Education at the University of Houston-Clear Lake for many years. Jackie’s positive influence upon the students, programs and her colleagues at the University of Houston-Clear Lake continued way beyond her retirement. Jackie Rasberry will be long remembered not only for her professional accomplishments but also for her engaging personality, hearty laugh and wonderful sense of humor.
Dennis Spuck, Dean
School of Education
University of Houston-Clear Lake
I fondly remember Jackie during the time we shared here at UHCL. She was one of the first that welcomed me to the university in 1995 and to the Professional & Administrative Staff Association (PASA) there soon after. Because of her and her contemporaries’ mentoring and leadership I was convinced to take on leadership positions within PASA. I was honored to assist her and others in the creation of the Jean Nettles (Fonding President) PASA Scholarship Award. She left a legacy with both PASA and UHCL in many different ways. My prayers go out to her family.
David Rachita
Interim Dean of Students
University of Houston-Clear Lake
As I think back over the years I’ve known Jackie and the positive impact she made on my life, I remember a quote I once heard that summarizes who she was to me:
“A friend is someone who helps you when you’re down, and if they can’t,
they lay down beside you and listen.”
Jackie had a wonderful,caring and honest way with her friends. I will miss her!
Jackie was my neighbor and dear friend since our children were very young. We lost track of each other for a few years after I moved out of the neighborhood then reconnected after Howard’s death and stayed in touch with our monthly lunches which always lasted a minimum of two hours. We had a lot to talk about! I will especially miss our political discussions and am left to wonder who will work with me on Hillary’s next presidential campaign now that my wonderful fellow progressive feminist friend is gone. I will miss you, dear Jackie!
She was my teacher at Bret Harte Jr. High in Oakland in 1962/3. I thought she was so glamorous! She looked just like this photo!