Daniel Eastman Disbrow

Daniel E. DisbrowDaniel Eastman Disbrow, 63, 0f Magnolia, Texas, passed away November 23, 2014. He was born May 2, 1951 to Daniel and Patsy Disbrow in Baytown, Texas. Dan attended school in Texas City. He retired from the Galveston County Sheriff’s department as a Captain. Dan was preceded in death by his parents, and a son, William Paul Disbrow.
He is survived by his wife, Lisa L. Disbrow; daughter, Tina B. Disbrow; son, Stephen R. Disbrow; step-son, Alan Shu Disbrow; sister, Patricia Roianne Alston; brother, William P. Disbrow; and five grandchildren.
A memorial service in his honor will be held 6:00 pm, Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at Crowder funeral Home Chapel, Dickinson, Texas.


  1. I flew missions with Dan in Afghanistan. He was an absolute pleasure to work with and was one of the kindest people I’ve known. He will be greatly missed.

  2. My condolences to the family. My late husband, Jack R. Smith, had the highest regard for Dan and was proud to work with him when he was a pilot for Aerial Viewpoint. He was also instrumental in assisting my grandson-in-law in obtaining his pilot’s license.

    LuAnn Smith, Widow of Jack R. Smith
  3. Fly high my friend abd Now you can have all the n3wc that you want! …. thanks for all your funny emails!

    • wish I could attend the service. . .thoughts and prayers are will all of the Disbrow family.

      denise cazes
  4. Dan will be sadly missed by all of us. He was always optimistic about everything and when we needed something done, he was the guy regardless of the mission. He was an excellent aerial survey pilot and absolutely loved to fly. Farwell my friend, we miss you!

    Grady Owens
  5. Dan was my best Friend, His loss leaves a hollow spot in my being. I’ve been searching for something positive out of this and the only thing I can come up with is our friend, Jack Smith now has someone to argue with him, just like they used to.
    God bless Dan, I will miss him.

    Jim Geraci
  6. We never met Dan, but know his sister Roianne very well. She is a dear friend and neighbor. We send our condolences to Dan’s family and pray God will help you all through this difficult time in your lives.

    Darrell & Helen King
  7. So wish we could be at the memorial. I only remember good things about Danny and hated to see on the news that he was the pilot that went down in Elgin….

    Julie Arnold Hertenberger TCHS ’70

    Glen & Julie Hertenberger
  8. Dan was a very kind and thoughtful person. He will be missed by all that knew him. I am so sorry that we are unable to attend his service. I still find it hard to believe that this tragedy has happened. May God bless all his family and all that knew him during this very difficult time.

    David and Cheryl Owens
  9. I had the pleasure of flying surveying missions with Dan. Always the consummate professional, a great pilot and a great man. A tribute I’ve pasted below for the brothers I’ve lost, in combat and peace. Fly high Daniel. The Boss needs a good wing man now.

    High Flight

    Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
    And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
    Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
    Of sun-split clouds, –and done a hundred things
    You have not dreamed of –Wheeled and soared and swung
    High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there
    I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
    My eager craft through footless halls of air…
    Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
    I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
    Where never lark or even eagle flew —
    And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod
    The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
    Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

    God Bless My Brother

    David Wood
  10. I will never forget all the fun we had flying around Texas together Dan, I am very sad that I lost such a good friend so soon after we met. I enjoyed listening to the all the stories of your life and the conversations we had. Thank you for introducing me to all the good places for lunch wherever we landed. I was always excited to come to work and fly with you.

    “One-o’clock, what-a-burger!” -Dan Disbrow

    William Kowalsky
  11. As another dear friend leaves us all to soon. We will remember all the good times we had together. Dan was a very good friend to me and my husband’s best friend.
    He always had a smile. When he didn’t agree with something that index finger would point and shake. And he would say “No! No!”
    We would go to eat and it was Whataburger every time. He would order “number 3 with cheese, please”. Then when the menu changed it upset his world so much. He ate three French fries at a time with catsup.
    I loved to fly with Dan. I felt so safe, never had to worry about a thing. Dan loved to fly. Now he is flying on the wings of Angels.
    Fly high my dearest friend. I love you and I will miss you. When I see a small plane fly over, I will think of you! God, bless you Dan Disbrow!

    Patty Geraci
  12. God bless and keep you Dan. I am in deep morning and grief still after getting late word of this horrible tragedy over a month or so after it took your precious life. I learned of it after the New Year from Barbie in Augusta, who called me and did not know I had not heard this news. It was on a Sunday. Upon hearing this news I fell into a whaling being on my knees and then on the floor where my heart broke into a million pieces. No, an infinite, non-countable number of broken pieces with sadness for you, Dan, and your family, especially Lisa and Allan, and friends and co-workers and most of all for me. The whole day fell into a blur and my heart felt as though it would explode and it was hard to breath. Sometime that same day, Barbie got in touch with Stephen and asked ask him to call me. Bless you Stephen for calling and telling me the events and for waiting patiently for my sorrow to subside enough for me to ask for what details you could share. Stephen, your voice was soothing and comforting. Thank you from my heart. And my deepest condolences on the loss of your father.

    Those who read this have no way to know that Dan was one of the few people on the planet who cared for me, who loved me. Since getting this horrible news, I have been combing the chambers of my mind counting the ways Dan could make a friend feel cared for and it will be a very long process that could possibly never be finished in my lifetime as I am now 70 years old. But after reading some of the other messages on this website, I know Dan made a lot of his friends feel loved and cared for. I believe that’s what made Dan who his was and always will be in eternity now. I know he was a special human being who left us too soon. We were caught off guard for his loss. That is the tragedy. Did we care enough for him? Dan, I miss you, I love you, and my life will never be the same without you. I will hold to your spirit for the rest of my days on earth.

    I met Dan at Hobby Airport in the late 1980’s. We were both working on ratings and we both mastered every license the FAA had to offer at the time. I say I have over 10,000 flight hours, lost count. Probably, 5,000 of those hours were in the pattern teaching students to land and take off at airports in the Houston area and on the island of Maui (OGG). A lot of the other hours were towing a banner around the island after I moved here in 1992 for the Maui T-shirt Factory. But Dan went further than me, all the way to the Middle East and beyond. We loved to share flying adventures. He once sent me two half-gallons of Blue Bell ice cream for my birthday, all the way from the little creamery in Texas. I still have the two empty cartons in my garage. Could never bear to throw them away. My life has been better for having known Dan. I now carry his picture on the front of my I Phone. He goes everywhere with me now. His spirit lives on and always will.

    Marilyn Colvin

    Crowder Funeral Homes
  13. My brother and I visited the hallowed ground on the date 11-23-2018 where your spirit left this earth to see God. It was very quiet and peaceful there when we went. It was one of the first times that I went anywhere other than a hospital or a short visit someplace since my physical problems began in 2012. My brother went to visit each year since your departure, and asked if I wanted to accompany him this time, and I am glad I was able to go.We will go once again this year, my brother says for the last time, but not to ever be forgotten… RIP Dan

    David Owens
  14. I worked with Dan at the University of Texas Tissue Bank. He was one of the few pilots I would fly with. Professional, and conscientious to a fault he was a great asset to the bank. Although I was his supervisor, we became friends of sorts.
    I have pictures of Dan, some with Steven that I would like to pass on to Steven to be kept or dispersed as Steven sees fit. Pls contact me at my email or text me at 832-867-7717.

    Brenda White

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