Bryan Lewis Hardman

Bryan Lewis Hardman, age 50, passed away on Thursday, January 16, 2020. He is gone much too soon. Bryan truly was one of the good guys.

He was born January 25, 1969 in Lawrence, Kansas, to Charles Hardman and Cynthia Parker.

From his boyhood and high school days in Kansas, to his successful career in the car business as General Manager of Monument Chevrolet, Bryan made many friends along the way and kept them for life. He didn’t just collect relationships, he nurtured them. If you did not know him personally, you knew someone who did. He inspired so many, not only through his words, but, moreover, his actions, which like his words were always deliberate. He was a ‘do what you say you will do’ type of person. Bryan was protector and provider to many. He loved greatly and was greatly loved.

Bryan had many talents, and if you knew him, you knew he was extremely talented at leisure sports. His golfing skills, honed from childhood, were impressive and entertaining. He truly cherished the time he spent with family and friends playing yard games, card games, and board games.

Bryan’s legacy will be one of family. Bryan’s whole world was his family and he would have done anything for his children. Everyone will say, Bryan was the best husband and the most incredible father.

Bryan was more generous than anyone will ever know. Generous with his time, his talents, his treasures and his tribe. Sharing all that he had.  He was eternally optimistic and never doubted success.

Bryan had the strongest of faiths. He always believed in the best. He believed in best in people, in situations, and most importantly, he believed in the best possible outcome.

The answer for Bryan was never “no,” it was just “not yet.”

But the true love of Bryan’s life was his high-school sweetheart, Stashia. The two of them wed on September 4, 1993. He was so proud of the life they made. A truer love story could not be found.

Bryan is preceded in death by his parents. He is survived by his wife, Stashia Hardman; his children, Halle, Peyton and Keller Hardman; and his siblings John Hardman, Mary Sites, and Kari McCune.

Also left to mourn are scores of loyal friends, who will mourn his passing, but celebrate his life. To know him was to love him. Life’s journey is over, but his legacy will remain.

The family will welcome visitors on January 22nd, Wednesday Evening, 5 pm – 7 pm at Crowder Funeral Home, (Webster Location), 111 E. Medical Center Blvd. Webster, Texas.

Services are scheduled for Thursday January 23 also at Crowder Funeral Home at 11 o’clock in the morning. Burial will follow at Mount Olivet Cemetery at 7801 Gulf Fwy, Dickinson, Texas.

If so inclined, in lieu of usual remembrances, do something nice for someone… it is what he would have done.


  1. Our hearts are full of genuine sorrow, Bryan is not among us on earth. May he rest in peace . God Bless. Love, Uncle Scott and Aunt Chelle

    G. Scott Koland
  2. Amy and I are so sorry and sad to hear of Bryan’s passing. He was one of the kindest people we have ever met as well as a true gentleman. We will always look back and remember the fun times we had with Bryan over the years. Our heartfelt condolences go out to Stashia and the kids as well as all of Bryan’s friends and family. We will pray for all during these trying times.

    With condolences,
    Amy & Jay Gutierrez

    Jay Gutierrez
  3. My sweet baby brother. I loved him so much. I remember watching the clock at school as a little girl, just counting the minutes until I could run home to my brother. I cherish so many beautiful memories. He was one of a kind and saying he’ll be missed is an understatement. His family was his true love…Stashia, Halle, Peyton, and Keller…you were his everything. You know how much he loved you. So glad Bryan knew Jesus and I will long for the day when we hug and laugh again. I love you Bryan.

    Mary Hardman Sites
    • So sorry for your loss. May God wrap his loving arms around your family and help through this loss.
      Praying for all.

      Vicky Chamberlin
    • Being a Chesty Lion from Lawrence KS means you are part of a loyal family whever our journey takes us. Please accept our humble hugs and prayers as our hearts are with Stashia and her family during this incredibly difficult time.

      Adrian and Christine Cooley
      Sonoma, CA

      Adrian and Christine Cooley
  4. To Stashia and family,

    So, so sorry to hear about Bryan’s passing. Bryan was a special individual and his honesty and integrity always shined amongst his peers. I remember Bryan as a loyal family man and a person who always gave everything he could to being successful to both his employer and his employees. All the people who had a chance to work with Bryan are better people because of it. I know personally, I am. I have nothing but fond memories of Bryan and our sincere condolences go to Stashia and family.
    God Bless,
    Bob and Diann Zweig

    Bob Zweig
  5. Mr B. I love you. You are such an amazing Leader, not only for your family but everyone that has met you. You have such an amazing & positive personality that just made everyone gravitate towards you. I love you & I know you’ll be with us in every single aspect of our life.

    Bobby Trefzger
  6. Hardmans,

    I’m so sorry for your loss. He was a wonderful man, and I’m glad to have known him. He will always be watching over you and I’m sure he is so proud of how you have celebrated him. Prayers for healing and peace.

    Love the Risers

    Shannon Riser
  7. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you in this time.

    Jared Groce
  8. My heart goes out to you Stacia and your family. He was such a good man. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything ever at any time.

    Stacy Wehnert
  9. Sending my condolences to this beautiful family. Sending you much love, light and prayers during this time of great loss and sadness. I loved Brian And all of you and will miss this truly sweet man. Heaven received a wonderful angel too soon .❤️🙏❤️

    Carolann Peters
  10. Our most sincere condolences are with you…prayers for the Hardman family…from Amanda, Jeff, Tylar, & James Smith

    Amanda Smith
  11. We are praying for each of you during this time. So incredibly sorry for your unimaginable loss. Our hearts go out to all of you.

    The Lausch Family
  12. As one of my greatest mentors, you will truly be missed. Bryan spent nights on end with me teaching me how to succeed in Sales, never too busy, never a burden. I will never forget the time we spent together, among our peers and just one on one. He was such a great father and husband and loved them with all his heart. He talked about was his family more than anything and that I will always admire. I’m am sad to loose my mentor, but more painful I lost a True Friend. I will never forget and will always be grateful! I Love you Bryan.

    Peace be with you Stashia and Family.
    Lenny Gordon Jr.

    Lenny Gordon Jr
  13. Stashia my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Was so sorry to see this. Love and hugs for you. Darlene

    Darlene Stillwagon
  14. So,so sorry to hear about Bryan today. He was always such an upbeat and caring person. My son, GT, Jr. and he played a lot of golf at Lawrence Country Club and he was such a good golfer. I know he will be deeply missed by his family and others who loved him. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Garth Terlizzi
  15. Bryan has been my manager for the past three and a half years I truly learned from him a lot every single step I achieved was because of him and I will never forget my mentor. Since I heard the news I seriously can’t believe it, it feels like a dream. Bryan wasn’t just my boss he treated me like a friend since the moment I stepped my foot in the dealership and he always said to me “ I have bigger plans for you” and he really did. RIP and My condolences to his family.

    Pierre Youssef
  16. Stashia, so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers for your family.

    Pam Koland
  17. Stachia , Send my prayers to you and your family, Bryan I learned a lot from you. He is one of the most successful managers I have ever worked with, Bryan i can’t imagine that , he was always saying John I love you, now I said Bryan my family and I love you too .

    John Girgis
  18. Our thoughts are with all of the family. He was a fun person to know. Only fond memories of him growing up in the neighborhood.

    Mary and Brower Burchill
  19. In the rough business we call the “car business” Bryan was a light of truth, integrity, and business insight. My heart is broken as I will miss our weekly discussions of the state of the industry and battle over business matters. Mostly I will miss his friendship, guidance and that wiley smile and twinkle in his eye. I once told him he was the finest car guy I have ever had the honor of working with, that hasn’t changed. God bless him and hold his family and friends close as we have a forever hole in our hearts.

    Nini Hellmer
  20. Stashia, Halle, Peyton & Keller

    Our hearts are hurting for you as we learned of your hubby and dads passing.
    Know we are holding you up in prayer as you navigate through this valley in your lives.
    Bryan was the neighbor every family wishes for. Many driveway chats proved to us what a good man he was and how much he was dedicated to you Stashia and your kids. You were his everything and he was so proud of ya’ll.

    Just know God is a big God and He is hugging you tight and loves you dearly.
    Bryan – you were a true example of selfless love for your family and we want you to know we are here for your family in their time of need.

    God Bless you and keep you,
    The Krohn family

    Todd and Sue Krohn
  21. I am so incredibly shocked and saddened by this news. Stashia, my condolences to you and your family.

    Kerry (Longhofer) Patterson
  22. I loved my little Brother, I was the oldest and he was the youngest in our family of 4 kids. I watched him grow to be a great man. We were blessed with great parents and we all turned out pretty well but Bryan was a shining star. Our Father was an eternal optimist who worked hard, played hard but most importantly loved his family and all aspects of life. Bryan was the closest man I ever saw to our father. Bryan tried our family business for a little while but ultimately chose our Mother’s family passion the Automobile Business. He through himself into it 110% and left small town Lawrence for the big city of Houston. I was so proud of him and at times even jealous. He offered me encouragement and advice on those occasions where I faced challenges. He always wanted others to have success. I miss you so much it hurts.

    My deepest sympathy to the Texas Hardmans, he loved you all with all his heart. I struggle to find words to express how much he loved you all. The Kansas Hardmans lost their little Brother and a piece of us will always be missing.

    John Hardman

    John A Hardman
  23. I’ve know Bryan for nearly 10 years now and no matter what the case he was always willing to help with whatever issue I faced. He was more than just a boss he was and always will be a dear friend. Bryan is deeply missed and our deepest condolences from my family to yours. We pray for your strength.

    The Mansfield's
  24. Hard to find words for this. Bryan got his start in the car business washing cars for us at University used cars in Lawrence ,Kansas in 1985. Such a great guy to be around and I am proud to call him a true friend. R.I.P. Bryan..

    Mike Stogsdill
  25. Stashia and family,
    Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Bryan was a terrific man and will be greatly missed. We are so deeply sorry for your loss.

    Chance & Sarah merritt
  26. My deepest condolences to the Hardman family. There are really no words to express the lost of such a love one in Bryan Hardman. Therefore, I leave you with these words from Jude with hope to give you comfort. “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God are Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen”.

    Ty Holloway
  27. Stashia, Our thoughts & prayers are with you. You & Bryan have a wonderful family. We are praying for you & your family during this difficult time. Love Craig & Jill Metcalf

    Jill Metcalf
  28. With a heavy heart, I offer my love and condolences to Stashia, Halle, Peyton, Keller, John, Mary and Kari. Bryan was a genuinely good person who gave his all to those he loved. He will be missed by so many. RIP dear one.

    Linda Hardman
  29. Stashia and Family, Our deepest sympathy-All I can think about is all the wonderful times Bryan and I have had together over all the years, from grade school growing up with Cristy and all those Lawrence Kids, to watching him excel in the automotive industry. What a wonderful, wonderful person he was-We will deeply miss him.

    Jon & Shelagh Bomberger
  30. Bryan was a great mentor to me. I never knew anything about car sales till He gave me a chance and I was on his sales team. He was always very confident and ambitious about everyone making a better life for them selfs. I pride my self in knowing him personally on and out of work. I consider him a friend that would tell me about life struggles and family struggles and how to get past them or handle them. I am truly hurt and will miss you. Much love #strong that was his favorite word. You will be missed

    Kevin Martinez
  31. Bryan always put others first. He worked hard not for himself but for the people he loved. I am very grateful for all the time we spent together and to have benefited from his fine example. His integrity, honesty, kindness, and strength represented the best parts of humanity. I feel privileged to have been his friend. Our deepest sympathies to his wonderful family.

    Andrew and Jessica Willard
  32. Sending thoughts and prayers to the Hardman Family

    Jessica Long
  33. Bryan was a great role model. He lived life to the fullest and was always positive. He was an influence to myself as well as many others. He molded me into the person I have become. I owe everything to him. He will always share a special place in my heart. Rest In Peace Bryan

    Jeff Ross
  34. Bless you, Stashia. I’m so sorry to hear this news. I’ll be praying for you and your family. There are no words to help heal the pain so lean on your friends and family for comfort. Sending you love and strength. ❤️

    Kylee Leatherman (Kerr)
  35. I’ve worked with Bryan for many years in the car business. He always supported me wherever I’ve worked. I’m still in shock to know such a great person like Bryan is now gone. RIP Bryan. Sending powerful prayers to Sasha and the family. 🙏🏼

    Theresa LaFleur Wilson
  36. I am so very sorry to hear about Bryan’s passing. My deepest condolences to his family. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Nan Kukuk Blunk
  37. Dear sweet Stashia,
    Our hearts go out to you and your family with the loss of dear Bryan. Please know we are praying for you all. Sending our love and prayers, Ellen and Byron

    Ellen Mosher
  38. From my first day as a salesman Bryan made me feel like I had been a member of the Monument Chevrolet family. His compassion and emphaty always touched the people who were fortunate to have had the pleasure of his presence n their lives if only for a few moments. I can safely say that this man had a Good given gift to motivate people not only in the car business hut life as well. Bryan was not only my General Manager he was also my friend and in many ways my mentor. His motto, “my door is always open” meant that you could always come to him for advise not only in the car business but for personal matters as well. My wife and I will always carry warm thoughts of you in our hearts and remember the times you were there for us in our time of need. Heaven awaits you my friend your work is done here and God has called you home to rest.
    Deepest sympathy to your family from the Deas family.

    Jon-Boscoe Deas
  39. From my first day at Monument Chevrolet Bryan made me feel like I was a part of the Monument Chevrolet family for years. In his own special way he had a gift of pushing you to your fullest potential both as a salesman and a human being. His motto, “my door is always open” applied not only to work related issues but personal problems as well. My wife and I will always love you for being there in our time of sorrow and the help you provided which went way beyond your title as General Manager. Even though you are no longer with us ever time I walk past your office I will always remember the conversations and emphaty you displayed. So in saying goodbye to you my boss, my friend, and my mentor….You will always be here in my heart.
    My sincere condolences to your family in their time of sorrow but please find some consolation in the fact God has called him home to rest.
    The Deas Family.

    Jon-Boscoe Deas
  40. Bryan was a highly respected businessman and an even better man. He had 2 great families; one at home and another at work. Rare indeed. He will be missed by the best Chevrolet Dealers in the nation.

    Steve Emery
  41. I’m so sorry for your loss Stashia! Let me know if there is anything I can do love you guys!❤️

    Mickey Sheets
  42. I’m so sorry to hear about Bryan’s passing. He will always be remembered as such a loving family man. My prayers are with you all.

    Paige (Hassmann) Vruggink
  43. There is another star in God’s heavenly family that I know includes Bryan! Bryan grew up on Princeton Blvd. often at our house after school with Jeff and others in this close neighborhood. As soon as I heard the sad news, photos upon photos of Bryan and this “brotherhood” were found in my albums, even one sharing Christmas Eve with our family playing Pictionary! Fond, warm memories of his giggle, his caring nature, and his warm, loving spirit. Although my heart is heavy about his absence among us, he leaves a role model for us to use as a checklist in evaluating ourselves. My deepest sympathy to all the Hardman family but remember to look up to find his star, see its brightness, and fill your life with this light of love and positive energy! May God put a protective shield around you in the days of doubt and grief. Much love and hugs!

    Mary Hatfield
  44. It is hard for me to think that Bryan is gone, I remember him as a great employee and friend he was always upbeat and always willing to help anyone.
    I just saw Bryan and Stashia at the Christmas dinner and they bought looked very happy and healthy.
    My sincere condolences to the family and if there is anything I can do to help please call me. May God Bless Stashia and the kids.

    Craig & Vanessa Chaudoin
  45. Hardmans,

    We are so very sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers for you all.

    Lisa and Cliff McCarra

    Lisa McCarra
  46. childhood friend ,welcome to the kingdom of heaven.See you on the other side

    Damon Rogers
  47. I wish we had all the right things to say that would bring comfort but we don’t. In dealing with with our friends and family whose loved ones are gone too soon; all we know to do is be there when we are needed. We are so deeply saddened for your loss and know he was loved so much. In the days to come we pray for your comfort in the things that are hard to understand, and that you draw near to God, family and friends. We have taken on your request to do something nice for another and are thinking of you. Love you all.

    Tyler, Shari, Tristan, Sam and Meredith Kuntz
  48. The story of my career can not be written without Bryan. I will carry his teachings and lessons of life with me forever. I am indebted to the legacy he built and will always remember my time with him. The service was amazing and one he would’ve been proud to have seen.

    Drew Hanley
  49. Sorry to hear the news about Bryan. He was such a good guy and he always made me laugh. Gone way to soon. Your family is in our prayers.

    Tim Byers

    Tim Byers
  50. Stashia, Halle, Peyton, and Keller,
    Our hearts grieve for you. For the 11 years that we lived next to you, Bryan was a kind, loving, providing father and friendly, generous neighbor and friend. We are all better for having known him, and are grateful for the time that we did know him and your family. We pray for comfort for you in this season of mourning.
    The Lord is close to you in your brokenheartedness, and saves you as your spirit is crushed. Psalm 34:18.
    Paul, Shirley, Erin, Rachel, and Dan Owen

    Paul Owen
  51. Bryan was in my class at LHS, and though I had not seen him in years, was glad to at least keep up with your family through FB. Bryan was such an outgoing and positive guy! Definitely made his mark on your memory. I know he spread the enthusiasm and sweetness he carried through his life to his family and friends. My deepest condolences to his family during this unbelievable difficult time.

    Kim Button Ingalls
  52. Stashia, my heart is breaking for you and your children and for all of Bryan’s family and friends. He was loved, adored and looked up to by many. You are in my thoughts every day. Sending heart healing wishes to you. Love, Megan

    Megan Wilson
  53. Dear Stashia and family, I’m so, so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Melody Meyer Jones
  54. Bryan was a special kid around our house. Always welcome and always at ease. My deepest sympathies to the family. A special guy that will be missed.

    Larry Hatfield
  55. Bryan, because of the argument we had on the showroom floor on Thursday August 1,2002 I contracted 101 new cars & trucks in August 2002. I sold 69 full unit & 32 splits because of the agreement we had. You told me I was the most powerful person in the dealership & you promised I could sign every contract that could purchase a vehicle. You said you’re the owner, you want the deal, I’m accepting it. We contracted 101 deals in August 2002 & contracted 15 vehicles on one Saturday in August 2002. When Bob Zweig called you after close out in August 2002 & asked you did you accept everyone of the 101 contracts, you lied to Bob Zweig and said yes. You never saw all the 101 deals beca we made a deal on that Thursday. Any deal Calderone wants to accept, I’m in. You kept your word Bryan
    Rest in peace.

    Steve Calderone

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