About: Crowder Funeral Home - Clear Lake

Recent Posts by Crowder Funeral Home - Clear Lake

David A. Coiley

David A. Coiley of Nassau Bay, Texas passed away suddenly at age 70 on March 27, 2023.  David is survived by his wife Monica (Flores) Coiley; son Andrew Coiley of South Shields, England; sisters, Susan Fox of Poole Dorset, England and Siobhan Dufall...


A man of boundless passions and countless accomplishments, John Jewell died March 21st in Houston, Texas, at the age of 97. John was born in Providence, Rhode Island, to Dr. Willard B. Jewell and his wife Ann Hennessey Jewell.  An accomplished athlete, he grew up primarily in Nashville, Tennessee.  There he...

Patsy H. Ritterhouse

Patsy H. Ritterhouse, 80, passed away on Sunday March 19, 2023, in Webster, Texas. She was born on May 21, 1942, in Hartselle, Alabama, to William Herman Vest and Ruby Estelle Wallace Vest. Patsy is survived by her husband, Charles Lee Ritterhouse; daughter, Jennifer Lynn...

Donna Kaye Stoa

Donna Kaye Stoa, long-time resident of Nassau Bay, passed away on Friday, March 10th, 2023, due to complications from Alzheimer’s disease.  Donna was born on December 23, 1946, in Pasadena, TX, to Donald and Estelle Fisher.  She graduated from Lamar High School...

John Santos Martinez

John Santos Martinez, 73, passed away on March 7, 2023, in Houston, Texas. He was born on February 21, 1950, in Eagle Pass, Texas to Gilberto Martinez and Helen Santos. John is survived by his: two stepsons, Patrick Roach and Christopher Roach...

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