About: Crowder Funeral Home - Clear Lake

Recent Posts by Crowder Funeral Home - Clear Lake

Charlotte Ann Garner

CAG_Portrait_A Memorial service 2pm Thursday, August 7, 2014 at Crowder Funeral Home Chapel, Webster. Charlotte Ann Garner, 90, of El Lago, Texas passed away peacefully in the early morning of Thursday, June 12, at the Regent Care Center of League City where she...

Donald R. Deister

deister 001Donald R. Deister, 84, died at his home on Wednesday, June 11, 2014.  He is survived by his wife and childhood sweetheart, Marilyn; four children, Lynne, Debbie, Jim and Eileen; four grandsons and two great grandchildren.  Celebration of Life will...

Leone Marie Krug

kRUG Leone Halvorson Krug was born on the May 11, 1914 to Otto Halverson and Mattie Boe Halverson in Adams, Minnesota. The 13th of 14 children, Leone was baptized into the Christian faith in 1914 at Marshall Lutheran Church where later she...

Pero Peter Marevic

Pero Peter Marevic, 25, passed away on June 6, 2014 in New Braunfels, TX, while spending time with friends. He was born in Houston, TX on June 26, 1988. Peter is survived by his: parents, Tonci and Mayra Marevic; sister, Carla Marevic and numerous family members and...

Sally Jean Sopoci

sopoci 001Sally Jean Sopoci was born June 22, 1926 in Chicago, Illinois.  She was the youngest of six children born to Zulfo and Katherine (Romanuk) Chustovich.  She passed away on May 31, 2014 at Clear Lake Regional Medical Center in Webster,...

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