About: Crowder Funeral Home - Clear Lake

Recent Posts by Crowder Funeral Home - Clear Lake

Ronald Raymond Ray

Ronald Raymond Ray, beloved husband, father and grandfather, passed away on Sunday, September 20, 2015 at Park Manor of South Belt, with Hospice Compassus, at the age of 82. Ron was born on February 11, 1933 in Saginaw, Michigan to the late...

John Michael (Mike) Williford

John Michael (Mike) Williford passed away September 17, 2015. He was born September 7, 1950 in  Birmingham, Alabama. He attended Banks High School in Birmingham and then Brainerd High School, after moving to Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1966. He graduated from University of Tennessee-Chattanooga in Health Physics and completed his Masters...


a mccarthy Beloved husband, father, grandfather, chemical engineer, military historian, Fox News fan, Silver Bullet, and master of the cut and thrust of snappy repartee, ALFRED JOHN MCCARTHY, passed away September 4, 2015. He was born September 3, 1935 in Springfield, Massachusetts, and was...

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