About: Crowder Funeral Home - Clear Lake

Recent Posts by Crowder Funeral Home - Clear Lake

Iris O Shouse

iris Iris received her travel orders to join her husband Col. O.C. Shouse Jr. for their final assignment on February 7, 2016. Iris was born on December 29, 1923 to Odell Eoff and Modell Bicknell Eoff in Noodle, Texas where she grew...

William M. Speier

Speier 2-2016 William “Bill” Marcus Speier passed away peacefully Thursday February 4, 2016 at Methodist St. John Hospital, in Nassau Bay, Texas. Bill was born and grew up in San Antonio, Texas, where he attended St. Mary's University earning a Physics degree.  He...

LeAnn Brentzel

Brentzel 001 LeAnn Brentzel left this earthly world and went to Heaven on January 23, 2016. LeAnn was born in Houston on January 11, 1959, spent her early years in Spring Branch, and lived her entire life in the Houston area. LeAnn was...

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