About: Crowder Funeral Home - Clear Lake

Recent Posts by Crowder Funeral Home - Clear Lake

William Martin Bosch

William Martin Bosch was born on June 22nd, 1975, in Kingsville, Tx to Martin and Barbara Bosch.  His family moved to El Lago in Seabrook, Tx when he was 4 months old.  There he enjoyed school, soccer, swimming, and playing with his friends...

Lily Kate Elder

lily Lily Kate Elder left this world in the late evening of July 23, 2016, surrounded by family.  Lily Kate is survived by her parents, Justin and Amy Elder, a sister, Emma Grace Elder, maternal grandparents, Rodney and Nancy Friudenberg, paternal grandparents...

Robert Martin

Robert Martin passed away on July 4, 2016 after a courageous battle with cancer.  Born in Detroit, MI, on July 22, 1942 he is survived by his devoted wife of 52 years, Carol; son, Danny and numerous family members who loved...

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