Hayden Anthony Beck

It is with deepest sorrow that we announce that Hayden Anthony Beck, age 16, our most beloved son, grandson, nephew, family member and friend passed away on Sunday, August 25, 2024.

Hayden was born in Webster, Texas on July 17, 2008 to parents Heather Beck and Anthony Fuentes.

Those that knew Hayden, even just a little, lost a shining light in their lives.

Hayden will be missed everyday by his mother and stepfather, Heather Beck and Andy Shine, his father, Anthony Fuentes and stepmom, Curry, his stepsister, Clarissa Shine, his brothers, Logan Dreahn and Coby Shine, his grandparents, Archie and Christina Beck, Nacio and Sophie Fuentes, his great grandparent, Pat Jensen (Memaw), his Aunts and Uncles, Renee and Robert Ponton, Amy and Robert Snarr, Brian and Athenia Fuentes, his cousins, Thomas and Conner Ponton, Taylor Claussen, and Amber Snarr, and numerous great aunts and uncles.

Hayden is preceded in death by his great grandparents, Archie and Ethel Beck, Ruth Barnhart, his aunt, Brenda Phares, his cousin, Noah Ponton, and his beloved dog, Buster Brown.

Hayden was in his Junior year of high school and on the Honor Roll. All of his teachers loved him and just knew that he was going to do great things in life. Hayden was also taking dual credit classes at College of the Mainland. His freshman and sophomore year, he played for the Dickinson High School Gators Football Team. He later switched over to the Dickinson High School Powerlifting Team, at which he just loved. When Hayden wasn’t busy with his powerlifting and studies, he loved playing his X-Box. Some of his favorite games were Valorant, UFC games and Honor. Something else that Hayden loved was his style and fashion for his shoes. He had so many shoes. Another thing Hayden loved was his music. He would listen to just about anything, but a few of his favorites were: Frank Ocean, Jaydes, Mac Miller and Unspoken.

Hayden’s service will be held at Crowder Funeral Home in Dickinson, TX on Saturday, August 31, 2024 from 2pm to 4 pm.


  1. I loved Hayden as if were my grandson too.I watched him grow from a tiny baby to the handsome man he was. I will always have him in my dreams. I close my eyes, and see the wonderful smile he had. He is in GOD’S arms now, comforting him as he was taken so fast for stupid reasons. Neena is going to miss you. I love yo,

    Janie Turney
  2. Heather and family,
    We are so sorry you are all having to suffer this tragic loss of Hayden. He was a wonder young man that we had the privilege to see grow up for the year you lived next door to us. Our prayers,thoughts and love go out to all of you in this difficult time. Friends forever, Gary and Lynda 🕯️

    Lynda McCracken
  3. Such a remarkable young man. Today, forever & always allow your cherished/loving memories you’ve shared with this angel along with the love of all who surround you carry you through all sorrows, lighten your heart to peace, comfort and strength throughout this unimaginably difficult time. I’m keeping you and yours close to my heart and sending healing prayers.

    Love you all.

  4. Heather, I can’t even imagine, momma.
    God grant you strength and peace in your heart.
    Please stand close to family and friends that will help prop you up always.
    Hold on to all of the wonderful memories.
    My heartfelt condolences to you, to my friend Christina, and to all of your family members that have suffered such a great loss.
    May he rest in peace in His everlasting arms.

    Clara Smith
  5. My boo boo bear,

    Let me start by saying no words I ever write will show how much I miss you and how proud I am to be your mom. I found a poem that maybe me think about you.

    We knew little that morning that
    God was going to call your name,
    In life we loved you dearly,
    In death we do the same.
    It broke our hearts to lose you,
    You did not go alone.
    For part of us went with you,
    The day God called you home.
    You left us peaceful memories,
    Your love is still our guide,
    And though we cannot see you,
    You are always at our side.
    Our family chain is broken,
    And nothing seems to be the same,
    But as God calls us one by one,
    The chain will link again.

    I love you forever and always you will forever be momma’s boy.

    Heather Fuentes
  6. Hayden was one of the best people I’ve ever met in my life, I may have never gotten the chance to meet him in person but he never failed to show me what kind of man he was. I’m extremely proud I can call him one of my best friends, thank you to his family for being there and raising such an amazing person and letting him into my life. He’s in gods hands now, may he rest in peace.

    Killian Rahn
  7. Hayden was beyond one of my favorite cousins to hang out with when we were younger, we were so close and now your gone i should’ve hugged you alot tighter last time i seen you. I miss you so much and I love you lil cus. Keep making that sky beautiful every night for us, keep watching over us. Rest easy 🕊️🩵 he’s in gods hands now.

    liberty williams
  8. I was lucky enough to have the privilege to get to know Hayden within the past 4 years and even luckier to create a bond with him within this past year that i feel was so genuine and true. There was never a day i didnt talk to hayden in fact Hayden was my best friend in every way possible and truly a person i felt so deeply for. There was never a dull moment with hayden. He never failed to bring the light out in anyone but especially in me. His smile was contagious to everyone around. he has made a everlasting impact on peoples lives surrounding him. He made it his goal and never failed to make me laugh every single day! Tho he is no longer around to feel the tight embrace of the love from everyone around him. I know he is listening and hears it. He is watching down smiling being a guardian angel sending us reminders of his presence every single day, every step of the way🤍

    Thalia cruz
  9. To my little buddy I will miss you and if God brings me up there maybe if there is a fishing hole up there we can go fishing or just go for a walk and tell everyone up there that I said hi and I love them all everyone down here is very sad but we will be alright dont worry about us just know we all love you

  10. To my little buddy I miss you and if God brings me up there I will get to see you again and maybe we can go fishing if there is a fishing pond or just go for a walk and just talk and if you can tell everyone up that I love them and I miss them all and dont worry about everyone down her we will be alright me and grandma miss you love you

  11. To my little buddy. I miss you and love you and if the lord brings me up there maybe we can go fishing if there is a pond up there if not we can go walking and talk could you tell everyone I said hi and also tell them I love them all and dont worry about use we will ok and grandma lov you and miss you

  12. To my little buddy. I miss you and love you and if the lord brings me up there maybe we can go fishing if there is a pond up there if not we can go walking and talk could you tell everyone I said hi and also tell them I love them all and dont worry about use we will ok and grandma love you and miss you

  13. To my little buddy iam going to miss you and grandma loves you too a going to miss you too I will never see you again unless God let me go to heaven and then maybe we can go fishing if heaven has a fishing pond if not maybe we can arm Westley or just go for a walk and talk could you tell everyone that I love them and miss them and that I love them today is grandma birthday and she is going to miss your phone call I told everyone in heaven to welcome you and love and I know they will good by until we meet again love you

  14. Heather,

    I have been so saddened since learning about the tragic loss of your son. I cannot begin to imagine the depth of your grief. Please know that you are in my constant thoughts and my heart goes out to you, and all who loved Hayden, during this unimaginable time. May you find moments of solace, surrounded by the love and support of those around you.

    Amanda Tucker
  15. Heather I am so sorry that you have to ever experience this pain and with sadness that
    Hayden was taken way too soon. You will forever have the best Guardian angel by your
    Side. I know that nothing I could say would ease your pain, I firmly believe that
    God takes the good ones first I didn’t know Hayden, but I know that having a wonderful loving mother like yourself, he had to have been a wonderful, loving, outgoing, down to earth young man. If you need anything and I mean anything, we are all here for you Heather. I wrap my arms around you and will pray that God and Hayden help you through this. With so much love,

    Sara, Charles, Joseph and Christopher

    Sara Forrest
  16. Heather,
    I never met Hayden and I haven’t seen you in years but all the pictures Misty has shown me of Hayden shows what a happy, sweet, kind, person Hayden was. His beautiful smile and laughing eyes would brighten anyone’s day. Such a tragedy that your beautiful son was taken from you. May all your memories of Hayden sustain you now and always.
    With heartfelt sympathy,
    Brenda Lowe

    Brenda Lowe
  17. Dear Lord
    Welcome Hayden into your arms. Pour comfort over Heather and the family. AMEN
    Please know we are praying for you.

  18. Hayden was a good friend of mine, we used to sit and talk every morning before school. It was part of our daily routine. We would always go back and forth about music and which artist was better than another artists. Whenever I found a new song I used to be so excited to show him and show him that my taste in music was better than his. But Hayden would always one up me and show me something better, or something that I had never heard before. Every time I saw him, he always had a smile on his face no matter what was going on and that was one of the things I liked the most about my boy. I remember when he first cut his hair and dyed it and people kept saying he looked like eminem 😂. He thought that was the worst thing ever but he always laughed it off. Hayden always brought smiles to the faces of the people around him and was always super nice to everyone. He was honestly one of the nicest, coolest, funniest people I ever met. He was always talking about his outfit and asking me if it looked bad or tacky but, I can’t think of one time that I ever saw him in a bad fit. Through thick and thin I always knew I could count on Hayden and I really hurts me that he’s gone. I hate that we never got to hang out outside of school.
    My day to day life will never be the same. I miss you bro and I wish you were still here so I could tell u to your face and let you know how much u really meant to me. You don’t know how much I needed a laugh when I came to school. But now you are in a better place looking down on me probably still laughing at some of the dumb stuff I say and do. I really wish we could just sit down one more time, talk about life, and have our music debates. You will never be forgotten bro. Rest up kid 🕊️

    christopher harper
  19. Heather,
    Since I learned of Hayden’s death you have been in my thoughts and prayers. My heart aches for you all. I pray that God gives you the strength needed to navigate the days ahead.
    Much love,

    Sabrina Browning
  20. I’m going to miss my baby boy. He was my one true nephew. We were really starting to bond this last year. You will always be in my heart Hayden. Till we see each other again with your wonderful smile. See you at the cross roads my dear nephew.

    Brian Fuentes
  21. Hayden was amazing. We knew each other through school and football starting in 7 grade. He wasn’t like everyone else;he didn’t judge me before he got to know me. He was funny, kind, energetic, and never let me down if I needed to talk.we lost a great person in our lives but I know he’s watching over us and he be waiting for us to join him when it’s our time.i love you brother, i know we may not have been as close as others but you were still a great friend.

    Koti wisner
  22. Thoughts, prayers, and condolences for Hayden, his family, and Andy.

    James Townsend
  23. My son Griffin played Xbox with Hayden for years. Hayden was a few years younger than most of the boys in the group, but they thought he was a cool kid and very funny and loved playing with him. I knew nothing about this horrible tragedy until yesterday when Griffin received his “Justice for Hayden Beck” t-shirt in the mail. I was absolutely speechless when he told me what happened. Although I didn’t know Hayden I felt like I did from hearing his name said during many, many hours of video games. I cannot imagine what your family must be going through. I’m so sorry you lost your precious boy. I am keeping you all in my prayers. Never forget that he was a shining light even to people who never met him in person. I pray the Lord brings you peace and comfort.

    Beth Spencer

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