Anna Gabriela Garza
Anna Gab
Anna Gabriela Garza, 32, of Houston, Texas passed away on April 21, 2022. She was born November 4,1989 in Houston, Texas to Jimmy Garza, Sr. and Rosario D. (Reyes) Garza.
She was a Nursing Tech at Houston Methodist Hospital.
She leaves behind to cherish her memory her loving husband, Patrick Theiler; parents, Rosario D. Garza and Jimmy Garza, Sr.; grandmother, Maria O. Garza; great aunts, Gloria Gallegos and Yolanda Flores; daughters, Amelia Rose Theiler-Garza and Azalea Grace Theiler-Garza; sister, Alexandra Marie Garza; sister-in-law, Shanna Torneros; brother, Jimmy Garza, Jr.; uncles, Danny Garza and wife, Elvia, and Julio Reyes Avila; aunts, Margarita Hernandez and husband, Roland, Anna Luisa Reyes Avila and Diana Martinez and husband, Joe and various cousins and friends.
There will be a visitation for Anna on Thursday, April 28, 2022 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at Crowder Funeral Home Chapel in Dickinson, Texas. A rosary will follow at 7:00pm. There will be a funeral mass on Friday, April 29, 2022 at 9:00am at Queen of Angels Catholic Church in Dickinson, Texas Internment will follow at Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Dickinson, Texas.
Queridos primos Charo, Jimmy, Patrick y familia, Ante esta pérdida sorpresiva y lamentable ante nuestros ojos existe la alegría de Gaby de adelantarse a ver de frente a nuestro padre. Lloramos su partida en esta tierra no sin antes dar gracias por los días vividos con su presencia, los momentos vividos nunca la olvidarán y permanecerá en sus corazones por siempre. Descanse en paz Gaby
nos unimos en oración por su eterno descanso.
Muchas gracias por el consuelo de sus oraciones tan necesarias en estos momentos. Finalmente Gaby descansa en paz. Dios les bendiga.
This is a very sad loss.Gaby will be greatly missed.May her memory be a blessing. Our deepest condolences to the family.
Thank you very much for all the support you offered to us, Patrick and the rest of the Garza family. Your friendship is highly appreciated. god Bless you and your family.
Much love and many prayers for the family of Gaby. Her family adored her and she was loved by those whose lives she touched. May her new life be just as rewarding.
To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die
Steve and Jeannette Ruhl family
Thank you very much for your comforting words, very much appreciated. Thanks for your friendship . God bless you.
Charo, de verdad no sabes cómo lamento tu pérdida, no hay ni habrán palabras que den consuelo alguno, pero solo quiero que sepas que estoy aquí para ti, orando fuerte para que pronto encuentres un poco de consuelo y fortaleza. Te quiero mucho y te abrazo fuerte en oración y amor, mi corazón contigo y tu familia.
Muchas gracias Lizette. Gracias por tus palabras de consuelo, gracias por tus oraciones de parte de mi hija Gaby y mi familia, al igual que de Patrick, su esposo. que Dios te bendiga.
Mis condolencias para la familia Garza , un abrazo , en mis oraciones para que Dios les de la fortaleza para seguir adelante , sabiendo que un ángel llegô al cielo , y sentir esa alegria , con nuestra FE , y la esperanza de que un día volverán a verse y abrazarse , Gracias señor Jesus nuestro padre por recibir a Gaby en tu casa , y sentir paz en todos los corazones que seguimos amando a Gaby

, esto es un solo HASTA LUEGO 

Gracias por acompanarnos en nuestro dolor, al igual que todas tus oraciones. Que Dios te bendiga.
We are so very sorry for Gaby leaving us way too soon. In your most unimaginable heartache, please know that we are always here for you. This is extremely painful for us all. The only solace we find is knowing she is one of God’s angels now. We love Gaby and miss her, but we find peace in continuing to feel her through the lives of her beautiful twin daughters. We gather for comfort in remembrance of our dear beloved Gaby.
Thanks to all of you, the Hernandez family, for the emotional and spiritual support much needed in these hard days, thanks for being there. God Bless you.
With Deepest Sympathy for you and your family
Thinking of you and wishing you comfort, peace and strength at this sad and very difficult time.
Dear niece, your departure has left us with great pain in our hearts, especially
to your parents, your husband and your little children. However, we know that God Our Lord has done it for your highest good and that should comfort us.
We are sure that God Our Lord has heard our prayers long addressed to Him for the health of your soul and your family. We will continue our prayers asking for the eternal rest of your soul until He gives us call on our shift.
Likewise, we ask God for a holy resignation to your husband Patrick, your mommy Charito and your daddy Jimmy.
Receive a blessing with all our heart.
Your uncles
Julio & Elaine
“Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let Your perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul rest in peace. Amen.”
Thank you Julio and Elaine, thank you for the spiritual support you offered me and the rest of the family , very comforting. I love you very much brother. May the good Lord Jesus send you a shower of Blessings, and Our Blessed Mother Mary covers you with her Mantle.
Ruego a Dios por que reciba amoroso el alma de Gaby y que a su querida familia les de pronto consuelo con la certeza de que ella estará gozando en la paz de nuestro Padre Dios. Mi familia y yo les abrazamos con mucho cariño!! Bendiciones siempre
Maty Avila Ibarra
Fam Rodea Avila
Gracias tia linda, tus palabras de apoyo asi como tus oraciones son acogidas con mucho amor. Que Dios Nuestro Senor y su Santa Madre Maria te bendigan hoy y siempre, al igual que al resto de tu familia.
Our deepest and heart felt condolences to Patrick and family